The process of finding a loan can be a daunting prospect. There are countless lenders out there, and you may not have much of an idea where to begin, much less when you should stop looking because you have found the best deal. That is where I come in. I serve as an intermediary between you, the borrower, and lenders. I do not actually lend you the money, and do not work directly for the lenders (I work for you!). I do receive a compensation from the lenders only after you are satisfied with my work and the loan goes through (closes), however.
I work on your behalf to find the best possible loan for you and then guide you through the entire process of securing a loan. This includes pre-qualifying for a loan, finding the loan and applying for the loan. These may sound like simple tasks, but once your realize the sheer scope of this process you will understand just how valuable I can be. While you would have to begin blindly searching through a number of lenders to even begin your search for the right loan, my company and I already have connections with multiple lenders. We use these connections to educate you on the many loans that are available through different lending institutions.
I begin the process by taking a long hard look at what you need and then match that to the loans that could possibly meet those needs. This network of possible lenders allows me nearly instantaneous access to information that it could take weeks to gather on your own even if you knew exactly where to start looking.
Aside from the connections, I have over 20 years of experience and knowledge and pretty much know almost everything there is to know about mortgages and how they are currently being done. I can fill you in on anything you need to know and answer any questions that you may have. This alone makes me and my company a priceless commodity.
I will assist you with all the paperwork that is involved in applying for a loan. This is another time saver because not only do I know how to fill everything out correctly, I also know what certain lenders are looking for. This can help you target the proper loan and get it. My assistance with paperwork does not stop there! Once your loan has reached the confirmation stage, I will continue to help you handle all the remaining paperwork to insure there are no mistakes and to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible until the final settlement has been reached.
What does a mortgage broker like myself do? This is a question that on the surface, is easily answered. Once you dive below the surface, you realize just how much a mortgage broker’s services can positively impact the whole mortgage process and how that process will impact you.
Rich has two decades of experience listening to his client’s wants and needs to obtain the best possible financing for their individual situation. Rich has an in-depth understanding of today’s complex mortgage market and is highly skilled at guiding his clients through it. He is a Relocation Specialist, eager to assist First Time Buyers and is well versed in purchase transactions and refinances, debt consolidation and equity lines of credit. Through Guarantee Mortgage, Rich is able to offer loans through over many different lending sources with every lending option available. Licensed in CA.
Rich has been married for 41 years to his wife Joyce. He is a Bay Area native who has lived here all of his life. Rich attended the London School of Economics and Political Science in London, England, Schiller College of Berlin, Germany and the University of Moscow in the USSR. He graduated from the University of San Francisco with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Economics. In his spare time, likes to go to the gym, swim, take care of the garden, play golf, travel and enjoy a variety of good music, cooking and times with friends and his buddies. Constantly searching for life’s moments that will take my breath away!
In order to serve his clients effectively and stay on top of the latest real estate news and trends, Rich is a member of the San Mateo County Board of REALTORS®The California Association of Mortgage Brokers and the National Association of Mortgage Brokers
Selecting the right mortgage consultant is as important as choosing the right home. Shopping on your own for interest rates and points is important but sometimes this process can be confusing and misleading. Working with an informed and resourceful mortgage consultant who is familiar with the many financing options will save you time, money and aggravation. My goal is to explain everything we do so you understand it like I do. I never take my clients trust and faith in me for granted.